Sonali Sri Sivani -
About Me:
Final Year Stud in BTech(CS)
I like to give life to my thoughts by Art and Coding
Love watching anime (r u also a tpn fan?)
Motto: A passionate developer who sees skills as a means to help others. My goal is to create meaningful tools and resources that positively impact lives, often as an unseen but valuable presence in people's everyday routines.
My Skills:
Programming Languages Java | C Programming | Python
Web Development HTML | CSS | JavaScript | 3JS | React JS | Node.js | Flask | PHP | GVC
Database MySQL | MongoDB | Firestore | Firebase Realtime Database
Cloud Firebase | Azure
Design Figma | Canva | WordPress | MS Word | Dora AI
Data Visualization Looker Studio | Power BI | MS Excel
Other Tools GitHub | Visual Studio Code
Operating Systems Windows | Kali Linux | Linux

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